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5.10d, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 1.3 from 3 votes
FA: Jake Mergenthaler -2000
Montana > Southwest Region > Blue Cloud > S Buttress
Warning Access Issue: Approach Crosses Private Land DetailsDrop down


Same start as Crack Attack. Fork right under the roof and pull some big moves through the roof to easier bulges at the finish. 


Right route under distinct roof. Just right of Crack Attack on the upper end of the South Butress.


6 bolts 

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Crack Attack forks left. Gruntfest forks right.
[Hide Photo] Crack Attack forks left. Gruntfest forks right.

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Dan Bachen
Helena, MT
[Hide Comment] Not sure why the original anchor was chopped, but I added a new one near the old bolt holes. Accessible from the top to set a TR if that's your thing. As good as its neighbor, but substantially harder. Jun 5, 2021