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Twilight Ladder

V1+, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Pennsylvania > S Central PA > Hammond Rocks


Fun problem with a scary landing. Start on obvious mega jug low and left. Work up through shelf jugs on the left of the large crack. The crux is the final hold which is a large left-handed crimp. Lock-off the crimp and pull to crystal jug finish with an easy top out. 


This problem is located on the twilight warm-up boulder. This boulder is the first you will see and the closest from the parking. If standing at the parking area the problem will be on the far right on the opposite side of the boulder. If facing the boulder on the other side the problem will be low and left. 


You will need a good few pads or a really good spotter. The fall isn't big but the landing is uneven. Do not climb alone unless it is way below your capabilities.