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5.9, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 2 votes
FA: Jared Grossi, 3/27/20
Florida > Artificial Boul… > Bertha - Cross Semino…


Everything is fairly consistent but gaps do vary a little. Depending on finger size you may want to tape cuticles. You will have to sling a tree for an anchor and watch that the rope does not run over the concrete gap at the top. 


Hop on the Cross Seminole Trail and find your way to mile marker 1.75.


Sling a tree at the top by the highway.

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The grate is your belay area. Don't drop anything.
[Hide Photo] The grate is your belay area. Don't drop anything.

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[Hide Comment] Did you use any cams or nuts? Mar 16, 2022