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Pizza Pearl

5.9, Sport, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 27 votes
FA: Jonathan Gerst, Kevin Junge, Bryan Miller, Lauren Striefel (2019)
N Carolina > 1. Southern Mou… > Melrose Mtn. Cl… > W Cliff - Main
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


Fantastically funky dihedral roof crack route that passes left of the overhanging pizza wedge, steps back hard left onto the diving board and then passes by what appears to be a petrified oyster.  While the oyster (mica book) may not contain a treasure inside, even when wet this route is certainly a pearl to admire.


Starts midway up the gully under the big roof.


Sport, 3 bolt, bolted anchors

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Josie about to transition over to the diving board - Don't miss that crucial third bolt inside the crack to protect a fall
[Hide Photo] Josie about to transition over to the diving board - Don't miss that crucial third bolt inside the crack to protect a fall
Preparing to tackle the diving board transition
[Hide Photo] Preparing to tackle the diving board transition
Bryan Miller hanging out under the pizza wedge on Pizza to Pearls
[Hide Photo] Bryan Miller hanging out under the pizza wedge on Pizza to Pearls
Stepping out from under the roof to the diving board on Pizza to Pearls.
[Hide Photo] Stepping out from under the roof to the diving board on Pizza to Pearls.
Try to be less awkward with this transition than me...
[Hide Photo] Try to be less awkward with this transition than me...
Overview of Pizza Pearl
[Hide Photo] Overview of Pizza Pearl
Phlogopite mica book that looks like an oyster shell just before anchors on Pizza to Pearls.
[Hide Photo] Phlogopite mica book that looks like an oyster shell just before anchors on Pizza to Pearls.

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Adam Gallimore
[Hide Comment] Might have climbed this one weird, but it felt awkward most of the way and was a pain to set up the toprope. I would probably skip this one. Mar 22, 2020
[Hide Comment] What a doozy. So many fun moves stacked into this short climb May 9, 2020