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Rattle and Hum

5.11d, Trad, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Bob Gaines and Yvonne MacPherson, December 1988
California > Joshua Tree NP > Hidden Valley Area > Outback > Steve Canyon Area > Steve Canyon > Sidewinder Rock - W Face
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Begin at the notch just up and right from the starting ledges of Kingsnake. Climb an impossible looking face up to a groove.


Located on the southwest corner of the formation.


3 bolts (1/2" SS), medium to large cams for the anchor.

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Rattle and Hum
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Rattle and Hum
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Bob Gaines
Joshua Tree, CA
[Hide Comment] The old bolts have been replaced with bomber 1/2- inch stainless bolts, hardware courtesy of the American Safe Climbing Association. If you'd like to support the ASCA, check out Dec 17, 2019