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5.10, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 11 votes
FA: Karl Kelley
Utah > Southeast Utah > Indian Creek > Beach
Warning Access Issue: Limited Toilet Facilities! DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: RAIN, WET ROCK and RAPTOR CLOSURES: The sandstone around Moab is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Also please ask and be aware of Raptor Closures in areas such as CAT WALL and RESERVOIR WALL in Indian Creek DetailsDrop down


A fun left-facing corner that is quite varied.

Start off in sweet twin finger cracks, and work up the corner as it widens out. There is a bolt stud on the left wall that could be slung. Work up the corner as it turns into splitter thin hands and ringlocks for a short time before the anchor.


It's a stone's throw right of Waikiki.


Camalots: #0.3 - #1

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This is the rack I used
[Hide Photo] This is the rack I used
Short and sweet route!
[Hide Photo] Short and sweet route!

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Jared Spaulding
Central WY
[Hide Comment] This route is The Hallowing. Nov 24, 2019
[Hide Comment] Thanks Jared! Nov 24, 2019
[Hide Comment] The route name IS the "Hollowing" named for the lower flakes hollow sounding nature. Jan 25, 2021