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5.10+, Sport, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Marshall Gilbert, Henry Dalby 3/7/2018, bolted 8/21/2019
Virginia > Southwest Virgi… > Jay's Creek > Lightside > Lower Lightside > Lower Lightside… > Trade Wall


On the far right side of the ‘Postal Crag’, look for the prominent dihedral with a roof that forms a horizontal crack that goes out left.  Start in the dihedral working up and left out of the roof crack.  The crux is climbing through the roof and onto the slopey face.  Easier terrain leads to the anchors.


Right of Carpenter


6 bolts to bolt anchors

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Jesse about to enter the crux on seamstress, Casey with the belay.
[Hide Photo] Jesse about to enter the crux on seamstress, Casey with the belay.