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Père Vert

5.11d, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 8 votes
FA: C Idoux, A Theodoropoulos 2017
International > Europe > Greece > Kalymnos > Summertime > Summer Wine


Same start as Mama Nota on the slab but after the third bolt you go straight up passing a bulge that is kind of tricky but not that hard. The crux is at the last bulge where you have to power your way up by doing some boulder moves. Being tall will help.


Same as Mama Nota. Look for the name written on the slab/rock.


Bolts + anchor

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Andy Ban
[Hide Comment] Seems as though there is two ways to do the upper bulge crux:
1. Straight up to a not so good left hand slopey edge, then right hand pinch. Feels 5.12
2. Move right from a deep pocket to big holds farther right. Big move to reach these, but very large holds. Feels 5.11

Fun line regardless. Kind of broken rock and not very continuous, but that seems to be a few climbs on this wall. Sep 26, 2019
Andy Ban
[Hide Comment] Also, look out for the z clipping potential on this. Definitely bolted very safely. Sep 26, 2019