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Desert Storm

5.12c, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 3 from 3 votes
FA: unknown
S Dakota > Needles Of Rush… > Mt Rushmore Nat… > S Seas > Child's Molar
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This is great route with mostly big holds compared to the rest of the granite climbs in the area.
Start on a chossy section with good holds to get to the first bolt. Pull steep schist jugs for a couple bolts to a rest. A thin crystal traverse will get you to a large crystal jug rest followed by a red point crux on side pulls and good crimps, then follow large holds to the top.


Located on the NW steep face of the child's molar just left of Lead Fillings. 


10 bolts

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Mikel Madsen
Rapid City SD( raised) and…
[Hide Comment] Are you coming back to the Hills this summer Tony? May 29, 2019
Mark Ellefson
Spearfish, SD
[Hide Comment] Yes Tony, there is a manufactured right hand crimp in the red point crux. Jun 3, 2019