Type: Trad, TR, Boulder, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 1,693 total · 24/month
Shared By: Salamanizer Ski on Mar 13, 2019 · Updates
Admins: Aron Quiter, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Description Suggest change

The obvious crack system on the left side of the rock (the left most crack). Climb the crack up to the flake with giant jugs up to the ledge where you can rest and climb over the really exposed super scary section on the flake (follow the flake to the left slightly) to an easy top out on jugs. Very reachy route at times.

To do the 5.11a direct variation go up through the bolt without bailing out left!

Location Suggest change

On the left side of the rock if facing it. The first route on the rock you can see when approached from the trail.

Protection Suggest change

Thin to medium gear.  Two bolt anchor or Top rope from giant tree roots or the trees themselves.

