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Calvin Landrus Memorial

V3, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Jim Kaminski
Connecticut > CT Bouldering > Glastonbury > Birch Mountain


Start about 5 feet from the right of the only and obvious good piece of rock by the right side of the power lines.

Left hand starts on a low crimp with the right on a sloping crimp with an okay thumb catch. Tiny crimps on the slight overhang and a big bump off a crappy razor edge to a decent crimp with the right hand (crux.)

This route is named in memory of Calvin Landrus, the late president of Solid Rock Climbers for Christ. A great man of God and good friend!


Park on birch mountain road. Follow the power lines in for about 500 feet. When you get to the hill you will see 30 foot wide and 10 foot high piece of rock about 100 feet off to the right in the forest.


crash pads.