Type: Sport, 75 ft (23 m)
FA: Clay Stoner & Matt Leavenworth to 1st anchor, Clay Stoner to 2nd- 2018
Page Views: 630 total · 9/month
Shared By: Taylor Spiegelberg on Feb 21, 2019
Admins: Mike Snyder, Taylor Spiegelberg, Jake Dickerson

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Zero Chill is, "the best 2 star route in the Bighorns"- Clay Stoner

The route climbs through fun and very featured rock for the first 50 feet and ends at an anchor below the roof for a nice 10b pitch. Continue out an awesome roof through classic moves for 11d points. A great new addition. Watch out for the poison ivy late summer-late fall...

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Zero Chill is located up the scree from where the trail plateaus. After hiking straight up the hardest portion of the trail, you reach a point where there's a good break spot and large cairn. Instead of continuing up the switchbacks, go up and right along the base of the cliff. No Chill is on the wall left of this area and starts near some large boulders. Look for a large roof.

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Bolts. Permadraw to aid in cleaning.
