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Wyoming Wave

WI3, Ice, Alpine, 300 ft (91 m), 4 pitches,  Avg: 2.9 from 22 votes
FA: Dwayne Monte & Todd Cozzens
Wyoming > Cody > S Fork Shoshone… > 1. S Facing/N Side > 9. Cabin Creek


Wyoming Wave is essentially the upper four pitches of Cabin Fever. These drainages climbed early on by Todd Cozzens & Dwayne Monte. The 1st pitch is a fun 30m WI3 flow that pours into the drainage from the left. From there continue up the drainage.  Each pitch has about a 10 minute walk in between.  Pitch 2 is short (10m), and was thin in Jan of 2019. Pitch 3 was 25m of rolling WI3.  Pitch 4 was more like a pillar and is about 15-20m tall (WI3).  There were good rap anchors above each pitch.  It makes a fine day out when combined with Cabin Fever.


Climb Cabin Fever and then walk up the creek for 5 minutes.  It is the obvious flow on the left.


screws, all pitches had a good tree anchor at the top in 2019.

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Joe leading pitch 1 of Wyoming Wave.
[Hide Photo] Joe leading pitch 1 of Wyoming Wave.
Sebastian on the (seldomly done?) p5 pillar.
[Hide Photo] Sebastian on the (seldomly done?) p5 pillar.
Joe leading pitch 4 of Wyoming wave.
[Hide Photo] Joe leading pitch 4 of Wyoming wave.
Looking up the fun pitch 3 on WY Wave.
[Hide Photo] Looking up the fun pitch 3 on WY Wave.
Walking up to pitch 2.
[Hide Photo] Walking up to pitch 2.

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Jacobstown, NJ
[Hide Comment] Right after a chill soloable ice bulge, there is a tough WI4 pillar after p4. Pictures of p5 included. Jan 13, 2021