Type: Sport
FA: Andy Genereux
Page Views: 526 total · 7/month
Shared By: JS BC on Nov 23, 2018 · Updates
Admins: Dave Rone, Tom Jones, Richard Rose, Rhys Beaudry

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Start on a super-jug and rip a big lock-off to establish yourself on the wall (consider stick clipping). Once you're established, don't stop moving until you've gained the scoop where you can go no hands - a series of pinches brings you to a crimp blast over the bulge. 

Go straight up the thin tufa-feature before gaining more super jugs just left of the bolt line. It is ill-advised to slap over the lip in search of an anchor jug, just moss covered slopers up there!

Location Suggest change

Start from the flat spot at the top of the gully, just left of Raven's main wall. This is the second line from the left (right of the smooth water runnel). 

Protection Suggest change

7 bolts, rusty chain anchor


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