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5.10-, Trad, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 28 votes
FA: unknown
Utah > Southeast Utah > Indian Creek > Beach
Warning Access Issue: Limited Toilet Facilities! DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: RAIN, WET ROCK and RAPTOR CLOSURES: The sandstone around Moab is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Also please ask and be aware of Raptor Closures in areas such as CAT WALL and RESERVOIR WALL in Indian Creek DetailsDrop down


Start in a small corner with a purple camalot layback for a few feet until good jams can be had and a ledge is reached. Negotiate the weird crack and launch into big hands and fists into a slot next to a giant wedged flake, and then to a small section of offwidth before the anchor. Fun and varied. Be careful as the angle of the route tends to push any piece placed into the first section into the crack. 


Farthest right route on the cliff. From the top of the approach trail traverse right until you round a faint corner and the obvious low-angle splitter and two pods of Crack Slabbath can be seen. This route is just downhill and to the right by about 40 ft.


2-3 each of #2 and #3. A 3.5 could be useful. One #4 for the top if rattled, one .5 for the bottom

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Start of Tomahawk
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Charlie S
[Hide Comment] Recommend #0.75, #1, 2x#2, 3x#3s, and 2-3x#4s. I only had 2x#4s but was able to bump them. Mar 31, 2019
Ben Mackall
Bozeman, MT
[Hide Comment] .5 necessity for bottom crack, unless you like doing insecure laybacks above groundfall/75' tumble territory. Mar 31, 2019
Devin Rogers
Temecula CA
[Hide Comment] Excellent route! Should be obvious yet somehow both rope teams in our party got their rope stuck in the bottom layback crack. Pull your rope from way back and to the left. Sep 20, 2021
Connor Jones
[Hide Comment] Good rope beta, Devin - wish I saw your comment before I climbed this thing. I had my rope stuck for a scary minute but managed to wiggle it out - we got super lucky. Apr 24, 2023