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Peary Flake
Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),
Avg: 2.1 from 7
FA: unknown
> a. Western Moun…
> Jockey Cap
> 1. Jockey Cap B…
> Peary Boulder
Access Issue: Peregrine Falcons in Maine
Maine Peregrine Falcons breeding season extends from mid-March through July or August. Hiking or climbing near nesting peregrines can cause abandonment and death of eggs/young. If adults are away from the nest, eggs or young can become overheated, chilled, or chicks can miss feedings. Be on the lookout for agitated falcons that may vocalize, take avoidance flights, or dive-bomb those that are too close. If you encounter an aggressive peregrine falcon please immediately leave the area, and report incidents to Erynn Call, State Raptor Specialist, MDIFW,
To learn more about peregrines in Maine, check out this link:…
Sit start right of the obvious flake on two good slopers. Pull on and move left to the flake. Follow the obvious path of good holds to the lip and figure out the final moves to the top.
Around the corner from Standard Overhang on the Peary Boulder.
Pad(s) and a spot.