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Spring Fever (aka Risky Business)

5.7 PG13, Trad, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 5 votes
FA: Michael Opuda, early 70s
Maine > -Clifton Crags > Parks Pond Bluff > c. Main Face


There's an anchor up there! In what seems like the middle of the face, the shiny bolts beg you to come visit. Begin beneath the lone bolt and work your way up the brown streak, staying mostly left. Past the bolt, you'll find a few cam placements on a small ledge, then head towards the obvious flake. Once there, it's not far to the ledge and the anchor.

If you need a 2nd pitch, continue up the Dike Route on the left.


In the center of the Main Wall, look for an anchor halfway up the cliff and a bolt about 25' up from the ground.


One bolt. Bring a standard rack for the 3 or 4 placements you'll find.

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Brown Streak
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Winterport, ME
[Hide Comment] This isn't called Risky Business just for the heck of it... Note the ONE bolt way off the ground, then a few small cam placements behind thin flakes. Bring your nerves of steel (or start clipping off to the left on the neighboring route). Jun 10, 2024