Type: Trad, TR, 40 ft (12 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 897 total · 12/month
Shared By: hdjohnson on Sep 24, 2018
Admins: adrian montaƱo, Greg Opland, Brian Boyd, JJ Schlick, Kemper Brightman, Luke Bertelsen

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Warning Access Issue: Pima County conservation area - archeological artifacts - restricted activities DetailsDrop down

Description Suggest change

This route follows the leftmost bolt line (which shares the 1st and 3rd bolt with the adjacent route to the right).  The face is flat and near vertical the whole way which makes this climb fairly sustained.

There are anchor bolts at the top and bolts on the face, but all are suspect in my opinion as they appear to be drilled shallow. There is also a fairly long runout to the top with ground fall potential.  A natural anchor for top rope can easily be built for these lines by slinging the large block just behind the anchor bolts with an extra long sling or cordelette.

Location Suggest change

On the northeast face inside the corridor.  This route start just below the lowest bolt on the face and heads left

Protection Suggest change

Three bolts, top-anchors
