Type: Trad, 60 ft (18 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 902 total · 12/month
Shared By: Jordan Simon on Sep 24, 2018
Admins: Stonyman Killough, Luke Cornejo, saxfiend

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Description Suggest change

A thought provoking thin and shallow crack with some small face holds, that somehow also houses a lone undercling (crux) Lead up to a jug rail about 25' high. Get another good piece in and crank through a few more good long horizontals until you can get underneath the hand crack. Make a committing but solid hero move into the crack and appreciate the smooth lichened wall while you shuffle up to a nice seat overlooking the valley. 

Location Suggest change

This route is on the right side of Beauty and Beast area(left and up the trail from Windwalker), to the right of Divinity Crack. Dark, licheny face in front of a small tree. There is a thin shallow crack that leads to a few horizontals, up to a final hand jam crack [right most, the middle crack up high is an 11].

Protection Suggest change

Small up to #2 Camalot. Pick from a handful of tree anchors (I went left for the good seat and rapped back down)


A .75 protects the first moves down low and a .4 would be a good second piece, but getting to that second piece will be some work. small nut/.1 as a good hanging piece to figure out beta. Might want to double up on.4-.75 for this guy.

