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I Am Groot

5.7+, Sport, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 1.5 from 4 votes
FA: Randy and Nuala Judycki
New Mexico > Taos Area > Tres Piedras > W Rock
Warning Access Issue: Some rocks in this area are on private property. Seasonal Raptor Nesting. DetailsDrop down


This is a bolted slab. The crux is near the bottom.


Around to the left from Alien in the alley. Walk up the alley until you see a large live tree at the top of the alley


all bolted with bolted anchors

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] Bolts for this climb and 4 others on this slab have been chopped by an unknown party for unknown reasons. May 27, 2020
Peter Thomas
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] bolts were replaced Friday 6-5-20 Jun 8, 2020
David Baltz
Albuquerque, NM
[Hide Comment] With permission of the FA party? Jun 9, 2020
Randall Judycki
Austin, Texas
[Hide Comment] Yes, Peter contacted me and I gave him permission to put them in. Jun 9, 2020
Jason Halladay
Los Alamos, NM
[Hide Comment] Thanks for the work, Peter. I really hope this is the end of the chopping chapter at TP. It's very old, very tired. Jun 9, 2020