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Mind Bender

5.11-, Trad, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Courtney Scales, Parker Jewell - September, 2018
Colorado > Gunnison > Taylor Canyon > N Bank > Billboard Wall


This route traverses right out over the roof. Stay low, low, low, then go up the right-angling ramp/crack. Make a sporty move protected by a bolt, continue up and left, and traverse left to the anchors.


Start at the bottom left corner of the wall on a medium-sized, triangular boulder. You'll have two bolts straight out right.


5-6 bolts, a single rack, and long runners.

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A full shot of Mind Bender, the start is blocked by big downed tree.
[Hide Photo] A full shot of Mind Bender, the start is blocked by big downed tree.
Parker Jewell starting to follow Mind Bender on the FA with Courtney Scales.
[Hide Photo] Parker Jewell starting to follow Mind Bender on the FA with Courtney Scales.