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V6, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 10 votes
FA: Clay Hand
Ohio > Central Ohio > Tri-Valley Wild… > Stone Church
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Really fun line up a long sloper rail. Condition dependent!  


Sit start left/directly under the edge of the boulder with two great underclings. Use caution on the first couple chossy foot holds. 


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Clay Hand on the FA of Voodoo V6
[Hide Photo] Clay Hand on the FA of Voodoo V6

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CrimpDaddy WesP
[Hide Comment] Cool problem. Too bad its kinda chossy. Sit start on two underclings was very much a stand start for me. Not sure what it was referring to otherwise. Perhaps on the softer side for a 6? Felt more like a V4. I also did it with a decently wet topout. A good problem nonetheless. Oct 27, 2020