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Master Plan
Sport, 80 ft (24 m),
Avg: 2.3 from 4
FA: Orenczak, Roberts, Lynn &Chitty
> Laramie Range
> Laramie Peak Wi…
> Sugar Loaf
> S Face Base
Another fun face route with a lot of texture. Collect the whole set.
The trail comes up on the east edge of what the Laramie Range book calls the Visor Wall.
This route is near the west edge of this area. You could easily throw a stone from Voodoo Cherry Bomb to here, so don't go much past the big rocks in the path at the base of the cliff. If I recall correctly, this route starts in a hole between some rocks.
11 bolts to anchors.
[Hide Photo] foreground is Fox Trot, but I highlighted the rope on Master Plan. Sorry, it could be better.