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Climbers Don’t Play Jenga

5.8, Sport, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2 from 18 votes
FA: Jim Kimball, Bill Luchansky “July 2018”
Washington > Olympics & Paci… > Olympic Nationa… > Lake Cushman > Reclamation Wall


Fun short climb, move up easy slab to face through some blocks. 


Far left end of the formation 


Three bolts to anchor with mussy hooks.

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Bill on Climbers don’t play Jenga
[Hide Photo] Bill on Climbers don’t play Jenga
Quynh Le leads C.D.P Jenga.  The cracks are worse than they look, but the huge blocks are better
[Hide Photo] Quynh Le leads C.D.P Jenga. The cracks are worse than they look, but the huge blocks are better

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Mack Johnson
Silverdale, WA
[Hide Comment] 3 bolts, mussy hooks. Fun, with a few jams. Aug 13, 2020