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Tombstone Left

V6-7 PG13, Boulder,  Avg: 2 from 2 votes
FA: Most likely old school, maybe Ian CB?
Wisconsin > Baraboo Range > Devil's Lake > Devil's Lake Bo… > E Bluff > E Bluff S Face > 08. E Rampart > 04. Leaning Tower/Tom…


Start sitting with a prominent sidepull left of the Tombstone classic.  Without the giant foot ledges, gain pockets up and left with some difficulty and finish up the tall hand crack.


Just left of the classic Tombstone problem on the same face.



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Tombstone left, start sitting with the right facing sidepull.  The crux move gains pockets up and left.
[Hide Photo] Tombstone left, start sitting with the right facing sidepull. The crux move gains pockets up and left.

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James Schroeder
Fort Collins, CO
[Hide Comment] Ian,

Is this essentially a sit start to Tombstone Direct? Take a look at the comments on that route and let me know what you think?

James May 18, 2018
Ian Cotter-Brown

  V6-7 PG13
[Hide Comment] James,
I did look at that. We were out there climbing on that too. This is more of a pure line with a different, and pretty obvious start. It could be linked into that line too. May 18, 2018
James Schroeder
Fort Collins, CO
[Hide Comment] A pure line with eliminated footholds? ;-) May 18, 2018
Ian Cotter-Brown

  V6-7 PG13
[Hide Comment] James,
Exactly! Though the feet are more like pedestals that aren't used. May 18, 2018