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Dress Rehearsal

5.3, Trad, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 1.3 from 6 votes
FA: Anna Kreutz
California > Eastern Sierra > Lone Pine Area > Alabama Hills > Alabama Hills N… > Paul's Paradise > Paul's Backyard


A shortie that has pretty good hand jams and foot jams. We used it as practice for gear placements and setting belay anchors. Definitely not one you need to do here but great for teaching a friend about trad.


Four cracks left of teds shred


#1s to 3s

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Nice warm up crack. Alicia jamming up ropeless in her approach shoes.
[Hide Photo] Nice warm up crack. Alicia jamming up ropeless in her approach shoes.
Practice makes perfect
[Hide Photo] Practice makes perfect