Type: Sport, 115 ft (35 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 542 total · 7/month
Shared By: Shawn Heath on Apr 4, 2018
Admins: Shawn Heath

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Description Suggest change

Parts of the start are the hardest. The last 1/3rd of the first pitch is quite easy, as is the trad finish to the top.
The route should be divided into 2 pitches, but could be accomplished with one if you don't mind big run-outs to manage rope drag. Start according to the description, following the crack up and to the left until you reach the ledge. Follow this to the right to the obvious anchor (located about 30 feet to your right where you reach the ledge). From here, head straight up into the chimneyish feature to the top. Lower off of the summit anchor.

Location Suggest change

When you reach the crag, go to the west face (left). This route is about 20 feet left of the prow and starts at the flake. A "normal" bolt like what Petzl makes has been retrofitted at the start, which helps act as a landmark.

Protection Suggest change

5 bolts and an anchor, which is sufficient for the first pitch. The easier 2nd pitch has no protection, so bring some stoppers. There is another anchor at the very top, near the giant piton.


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