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Sisyphus's Sister

V8, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 3.3 from 4 votes
FA: Albert Camus
Utah > Southeast Utah > Moab Rim Area > Moab Rim Trail Boulders
Warning Access Issue: RAIN, WET ROCK and RAPTOR CLOSURES: The sandstone around Moab is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Also please ask and be aware of Raptor Closures in areas such as CAT WALL and RESERVOIR WALL in Indian Creek DetailsDrop down


AKA Sisyphus Assister. Nearly horizontal finger crack roof. Sit start using the jams below/before the first good pod. Bicycle feet'll help. 


About a half mile up the Jeep road. Walk past the Labyrinth until you reach a big gully/amphitheater feature. Descend. 

38°33'58.61"N 109°34'40.20"W


Low pad and a friend to drag it

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the padded boulder has since been moved (many thanks to Matt Ferrell)....hence the name
[Hide Photo] the padded boulder has since been moved (many thanks to Matt Ferrell)....hence the name