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Garam Masala

M7, Mixed,  Avg: 0 from 0 votes
FA: L-P Ménard, Myriam St-Louis (2006-12-31)
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > Quebec Ice, Mix… > 14. Lanaudiere Ice > Mastigouche > C. N ampitheatre (Jed…
Warning Access Issue: CLOSURE - FERMETURE 2023-01-09 DetailsDrop down


Trad, starts in the back and slightly right of Quattre-Pattes in an overhanging corner going diagonally left. it's all trad pro followed by the ice.

Trad débute légèrement à droite de Quatre-Pattes et passe dans un dièdre déversant en diagonal vers la gauche. Tout se protège en protection naturelle.


Small rack and ice screws

petit rack et vis a glace.

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Garam Masala
[Hide Photo] Garam Masala
Garam Masala between Quattre-Pattes and Patte Folle.
[Hide Photo] Garam Masala between Quattre-Pattes and Patte Folle.