Type: Sport, 80 ft (24 m)
FA: Vicenc Mans (2004)
Page Views: 605 total · 7/month
Shared By: Nathaniel Chu on Mar 18, 2018
Admins: Jason Halladay, David Riley

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Start on good, interesting holds that steadily become sharper and worse. Once the orange rock runs out, you're at the crux: a perplexing series of moves on less-than-inspiring holds. The are a lot of choices here; all of them are chalked; and not all of them are good! Once into the face above, pull another move through an overhang to the chains.

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Two routes left of "Super fiscura" (super crack) which is a big right-facing crack in a corner (6 bolts to top of crack). Ascends an orange face on chalked holds.

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9 bolts to anchor
