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Good Friday

5.10, TR, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: Bob Gaines and Keith Brueckner, March 1997.
California > Joshua Tree NP > Hidden Valley Area > Real Hidden Valley > Sunset Rock
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Climb the face between Sunset Strip and Rodeo Drive. The difficulty depends on how much you use the holds adjacent to the crack on the right (Rodeo Drive).



Two #4 camalots are useful to rig a toprope anchor, as is a short extension rope.

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A. Good Friday
B. Rodeo Drive
[Hide Photo] A. Good Friday B. Rodeo Drive

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Oak Park, CA
[Hide Comment] no avail gear atop the arete summit where Sunset Strip, Good Friday, and Rodeo Drive all finish. would need to downclimb its backside to place gear on the lower backside terrace (hence the mentioned 30 ft or so long extension), plus an optional marginal small placement near the top of summit backside Dec 15, 2019