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Where Men Are Men and Sheep Are Nervous

5.10a, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2 from 12 votes
FA: James Garrett and Tim Toula. April 2004
Utah > W Desert > Ibex > Corral Crags > Central Corral Crag


Starts on top of a ledge, just left of cold shuts for Arachnicopia. Big ledge in the middle of the route presents a possible deck if you blow the crux move at the last two bolts. Go right for an easy 5.9 flake here, or straight up bolt line for .10ish move above last bolt.


Middle of the face above the south fence of the corral.


7-8 bolts plus chain anchors

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Stan Pitcher
[Hide Comment] Guide describes this as a crack start - seems bolts have been added to the right or is this description for a newer route? The crack start would be hard to protect. May 28, 2020
Connor Jones
[Hide Comment] Perhaps my buddy and I missed the holds going straight up at the top of this thing... but we both only deemed it possible using the "5.9 flake" out right. Feb 20, 2023
Keith Laurenz
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] We started using the detached block. Skipped the low bolt and clipped up high with a stick clip. This route is nice. Not much harder than the 5.9 to the left. A nice belay ledge makes for a good view and easy place to stand and spread out. Can combine it with the short pitches below you for some "multipitch". Would be good practice. Nov 6, 2023