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Lucky Lefty

5.10a, Sport, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 1.2 from 5 votes
FA: Bob Robertson and Reggie Slavens, 8-5-2016
Colorado > S Platte > Tarryall > Dog Rocks > Yellow Dog Rock


Start with a layback flake on a semi-detached pillar.


This is the first route on the far left side of the rock.


3 bolts + a 2 bolt anchor.

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Some fat old guy marking the bolt placements.
[Hide Photo] Some fat old guy marking the bolt placements.

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Jacob Woodford
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] For a taller climber, this may feel much more like a 5.9, even 5.9-. My partner and I both felt it was very fun but not especially difficult. Sep 7, 2022