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Shady Character

5.9, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 9 votes
FA: Reggie Slavens and Bob Robertson, 9/1/2016
Colorado > S Platte > Tarryall > Dog Rocks > Black Dog Rock


Shady Character has sustained 5.8 and 5.9 climbing with some decent rests. It finishes on the obvious, right-facing layback flake.


This route goes up the left side of the west-facing slab.


6 bolts + a 2 bolt anchor.

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'Shady Character', setting up for rap.
[Hide Photo] 'Shady Character', setting up for rap.

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Jesse Morehouse
[Hide Comment] Nice line. Well worth doing if you are in the area. Modern bolting but welded coldshut anchors that are loose. Apr 26, 2020
Daniel H Bryant
Colorado Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] Fun route. Only the top right anchor was loose, which I was able to snug up by hand. All of the bolts are solid. Aug 8, 2022