Type: Snow, Alpine, Grade II
FA: unknown
Page Views: 3,874 total · 43/month
Shared By: kenr on Aug 26, 2017
Admins: Chris Owen, Lurk Er, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Warning Access Issue: Certain Peaks: Access limited from May to October every year DetailsDrop down

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The obvious ski descent in North Fork Lone Pine Creek, East-facing 35 degrees for about 1000 vertical ft -- often sheltered from sun and wind so there's potential for fun skiing. In a year with a big snowpack, just making the approach to the gully is a spectacular ski tour. Possibility of going to summit of Mt Whitney.

Avalanche hazard: Need to start assessing it before getting out there. Avalanche hazard could remain substantial for a long time after the most recent snowfall. Some of the slopes are sustained at the steepness of maximum danger.

Avalanche equipment: Bringing beacons + shovels + probes and/or airbags is a smart idea. But the gully is a "trap", so if there is an avalanche there big enough to bury one or more members of the party, they might not survive even if found. And in a situation like that, an airbag might not prevent death or severe injury. Or if "bombed" from the steep slopes above the narrow lower creek valley, equipment is not likely to make much difference. Therefore the more important strategy is not to be there at all on a day when a significant avalanche might occur.

overnight? While strong parties can surely get up and down the Mountaineers Gully car-to-car in a single day, camping on the snow in springtime can be a great experience. Offers the possibility of adding another ski descent on another day, say the SE slope of Russell-Carillon Pass - (or perhaps could try exploring SE slope of Cleaver Col, or NE slopes of Thor Peak). Obvious places to camp are near Lower Boy Scout Lake or Upper Boy Scout Lake. Check at the Eastern Sierra InterAgency Visitors Center just south of Lone Pine for permit requirements.

approach: From parking as far as can drive up the Whitney Portal approach road, first ski or walk on the road to the summer parking at Whitney Portal - GPS latitude longitude approx (N36.5863 W118.2411). If there's good snow cover down to near the parking, can just ski W up into the North Fork drainage (N36.5868 W118.2474), and roughly just follow that up toward your desired ski peak or descent. If the creek is well-covered, no need to use the Escherbacher ledges up high along the N side, just ski the creek.
. . Later season when the creek is not snow-covered, flow of water might be so deep and strong that accessing ski objectives is impossible.

The valley broadens at when reach Lower Boy Scout Lake (N36.5836 W118.2604). Next go SW up steeper slopes to (N36.5811 W118.2645) toward Clyde Meadow, and W to (N36.5807 W118.2713) near Upper Boy Scout Lake. Bear left and pass SE of that lake to avoid cliffs, up to around (N36.5795 W118.2754). Next head roughly West and look for the best way up a bit right through steep rocks (might be short section steep and difficult) to reach Iceberg Lake (N36.5815 W118.2855). See the gully above SW.

ascent of Mountaineers Gully: In a good snow year much of this can be done with skis on (with climbing skins), but likely will need to cross some bands of exposed rock. Since the gully is sheltered from the prevailing west winds, the snow surface might be soft and easy -- but it might be hard (especially wind slab near top) -- so bring ski crampons / harscheisen / couteaux. It's a decision whether to also bring boot crampons and/or ice axe. Likely Yes if planning to continue to the Mt Whitney summit. But if main goal is a ski descent of the gully, might decide it's not worth climbing up if need crampons, since the skiing down wouldn't be fun.

warning: Avalanche hazard in the Mountaineers Gully is substantial (especially the possibility of slabs forming due to frequent wind from west). and might persist long after the most recent snowfall.

summit of Mt Whitney?
From the top of the gully the shortest way (and normal climbers' route) to summit of Mt Whitney is S up the slope above left. Boot crampons and/or ice axe likely to be needed. But this slope is rather steep and the exposure to protruding rocks below is deadly, so from a ski descent perspective it is Extreme (so leave skis at the top of the gully).

Skiing to the summit? The easier but much longer way to the summit is to next traverse West horizontal across the upper North face. Likely need to cross some exposed rocks even in a big snow year.
. . (Along the way, might notice possibility skiing below down the N or NNW face - See this route description).
Where the slope gets gentler, turn back SE up onto summit plateau, then E toward the summit (with a shelter building). Likely plenty of rocks showing (due to exposure to the prevailing west winds) even in a big snow year. But because of the gentler slope, much of it might be skiable in between the rocks.

descent: Ski back down the Mountaineers Gully and then North Fork Lone Creek roughly the same way as approach and ascent (except might enjoy some extra turns on slopes above S side of creek).

warning: Especially in the afternoon on sunny days, the creek could be subject to avalanches from above.

Location Suggest change

Bottom of the gully is around GPS latitude longitude (N36.5801 W118.2887), about 750 ft WSW from Iceberg Lake.

Top of the gully is around (N36.5794 W118.2925), about 375 ft south from the summit of Mt Whitney.

Protection Suggest change

No fixed hardware.
