Type: Boulder, 14 ft (4 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 2,343 total · 25/month
Shared By: Mike Womack on Jun 8, 2017 · Updates
Admins: Chris Owen, jt512, Nicole Wiesenthal, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Great route on the opposite side of the arete from The Crack. Start left hand on the arete on a slopey sidepull and right hand on a sharp sidepull on the face. From here, use the arete and some technical footwork to do a big right hand deadpoint move to a lonely pocket on an otherwise smooth face. Once you stick the pocket don't get too excited as it's not over. Use good footwork or raw power to find your way to the flat ledge above.

Location Suggest change

To the right of the crack. Starts on the arĂȘte.

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Pad over the rocks

