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Reynold's Rap

5.9, Trad, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 1.7 from 3 votes
FA: Lance Milo Cagle, Chris Reynolds
California > Eastern Sierra > Bishop Area > Pine Creek Canyon > GOT


From the alcove (the nest) step out right on exposed ledges to a nice hand crack.Follow hand and finger cracks trending left until a left slanting wide crack is reached. From here traverse left to an overlap with double cracks. 


Between Balls deep and Just the Tip. Climb the 3rd class to the alcove just left of Just the Tip.From the alcove Balls deep goes left and Reynold's Rap goes out right. make an exposed step right onto the face. Climb cracks to the anchor. Lower off.


Singles in small. Doubles in .75 to 2". Bring a 3 camalot along just for fun.