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Criss Cross Applesauce

5.11c, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 14 votes
FA: Kerstin Cullen
Oregon > Willamette Valley > Garden > Garden Cliffs


Funky moves to get off the ground. Pumpy traverse and then strait up for a cryptic crux. After that, it is almost all fun jugs to the top.

The fourth bolt may need to be skipped to send the crux sequence but can be used to work the moves.


Starts at the top of stairs.


7 bolts with rap rings.

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Adam Oliver heading into the crux on Criss Cross Applesauce.
[Hide Photo] Adam Oliver heading into the crux on Criss Cross Applesauce.

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Micah Elconin
Eugene, OR
[Hide Comment] Some moves with a bit of burl the first third of this beauty. Aug 7, 2017
Jayson Nissen
Monterey, CA
[Hide Comment] Cleaning the first bolt can be a PITA. When cleaning on lower, I will hang off of the second bolt using a draw or two. Call for slack. Then, reach over and clean the first bolt. Call take. Then clean the second bolt and lower to the ground May 28, 2018
Dylan Zoebelein
Salem, OR
[Hide Comment] The bolting on this route is very odd. If you are working 5.11c, you will want to stick clip the first bolt. But the bolt is so high, I had to stack rocks to reach it with my stick clip. Considering how heavily bolted this area is, it could really do with a lower bolt split between the two traverse bolts. It would make cleaning a lot easier.

There is a significantly easier way to do the crux than the intended beta. With the alternative beta, the crux ends up being clipping the third bolt. Mar 23, 2020
Jayson Nissen
Monterey, CA
[Hide Comment] Two bolts added to the start. Could climb it without a stick clip but the landing isn’t pretty. Jan 18, 2021