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5.5, Trad, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 1 from 3 votes
FA: J.Ficker, J.Sands
Arizona > Central Arizona > *Phoenix Areas > McDowell Mountains > Hog Heaven > Upper Wall
Warning Access Issue: Access: DetailsDrop down


The route has some loose and crumbly rock but never feels difficult. A neat pinnacle to climb as a warmup or cool down at the end of the day.


You can see this pinnacle from the parking lot. It sits right above the routes on the Upper Wall or about 5 minutes from the routes on the Main Wall. Downclimb the formation or do a tandem rappel with a single rope.


Small cams, no anchors on summit.

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David Accomazzo
Phoenix, AZ
[Hide Comment] The simul-rappel was fun. You can get a few pieces in a crack at the top to help calm the nerves before the descent. Jan 21, 2019