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Through the Never

5.12b, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 7 votes
FA: Dan Osman, Jay Smith 1991
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > New River Gorge… > Endless Wall > B) Party Buttress
Warning Access Issue: NO DRONES ON NATIONAL PARKLANDS DetailsDrop down


Although only given two stars in Williams' guidebook, I thought this was a great pitch on great rock, with some of the ubiquitous amazing NRG holds and interesting moves throughout.

Stick-clip the first bolt and embark on hard moves immediately. A very hard crux utilizing a very unique hold takes you past the second bolt and into "mellower" climbing. One more, much easier crux on awesome rock takes you past the last bolt to the anchor.


Immediately right of Pre-Marital Bliss


6 well-spaced bolts

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E taking a TR lap on an amazing Winter day
[Hide Photo] E taking a TR lap on an amazing Winter day

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[Hide Comment] This is a hard-as-nails 12b, not unlike many other Endless Wall 12b's. Tough and sustained with some very uncomfortable fall potential. Jan 6, 2017
Brendan1 Leich
Bruceton Mills, WV
[Hide Comment] The only Dan Osman line at the New. Endless Wall is famous for hard 5.12s and this is the stiffest one I’ve done yet! (A lot of people say Sacrilege 12b is hard, but I thought this one was a lot harder).

The crux is unique, involving a dyno to one-arm-catch a crimp, which felt V6/7 when I did it in mid-August. The bulge in front of you makes the move surprisingly fair for all heights, and may even be slightly easier if you’re short, a rarity at the New. Aug 17, 2024