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5.9+, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Missouri > CM: Providence > N Area > Spire Area > Spire


Lower crux is protected by a single bolt. Sew in as many pieces as you can on your way up this rippling slab.


Use the Spire approach trail. Start below the large, left facing dihedral and single bolt on the face. No rap anchors on top. Down climb the back of the Spire while your still on belay is recommended.


Quick draws and standard rack (Lower bolt on the face needs replacement)

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The Spire and Artifact Wall
[Hide Photo] The Spire and Artifact Wall
Looking up at Inspiration
[Hide Photo] Looking up at Inspiration
The Spire as viewed from the Katy Trail
[Hide Photo] The Spire as viewed from the Katy Trail