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Community Service

5.9, Sport, TR, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 56 votes
FA: Kenneth Noyce (10/7/16)
Utah > Wasatch Range > Northern Wasatch > Ogden > 9th Street


This is a fun route up a slabby section of rock that doesn't climb much like a slab route. Start of with some fun technical stemming to get to the first bolt, then some trickery will get you up to the clipping jug for the second bolt. From there some easy climbing leads you past the third bolt, then at the fourth head to the right around the corner and straight up to the anchors. This route faces east, so it is in the shade most of the time which is nice for warmer days.


This route is the third route from the right side of the crag.


4 bolts to 2 chains.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Stefani snagging an early ascent of Community Service.
[Hide Photo] Stefani snagging an early ascent of Community Service.
Community Service, 5.9
[Hide Photo] Community Service, 5.9
[Hide Photo] Gloria
Micah sentenced to do "Community Service".
[Hide Photo] Micah sentenced to do "Community Service".

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] A fine addition to the wall. A cerebral route which is more engaging than it looks from the ground. Oct 7, 2016
Gerald Johnson
[Hide Comment] Awesome route. While it is certainly 5.9ish it was quite a bit trickier than I anticipated from the ground. I wouldn't recommend this for beginners. Apr 19, 2019
Davis Bailey
Mountain Green, UT
[Hide Comment] A large hold came off near the top today. Watch out for any loose rock and make sure to wear a helmet Mar 31, 2021
Mike Gee
Ogden, UT
[Hide Comment] Variety of ways to go (especially on TR). Fun on TR to watch the whole group climb it differently. However, the rope certainly rubs the edge, an anchor long enough to avoid would change the end of the climb. Apr 18, 2021
Mike Gee
Ogden, UT
[Hide Comment] L anchor bolt is a perma-spinner Jun 26, 2022