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5.10-, Trad, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 9 votes
FA: unknown
Connecticut > Central Valley > Cathole Mountain > Main Walls


A little-known gem. Great moves on good rock with decent protection. Scramble up on the right of a large tree then climb the center of the narrow, right-facing wall following the small crack that runs up the middle.


On the right-facing wall between the Acid Reign arĂȘte and Chimney-Top Corner below a large hemlock tree. Walk-off left or right.


Standard rack. Trees at top for TR anchors, but you need a long static and it's reportedly a bit tricky to get the master point above the line since the trees are off to the right.

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The start of Feline follows the rope on the right.
[Hide Photo] The start of Feline follows the rope on the right.
Feline is shown in red.  Ignore the rope and climber (who is on Chimney-top Corner).
[Hide Photo] Feline is shown in red. Ignore the rope and climber (who is on Chimney-top Corner).
Feline is the crack line in the middle of the pictured face
[Hide Photo] Feline is the crack line in the middle of the pictured face

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  5.10c PG13
[Hide Comment] I agree with Kurt it is a three stars route. I like to lead the route every year. I personally think that the route is 10c because for me, it is harder that "Feast of Fools" and "Retribution" and both are well established 5.10b routes at Gunks. The route doesn't have rests and you can't use the right wall so on leading, you have to use just fingers. It is a height dependent route so for shorter people the dynamic move is bigger. Someone broke a critical hold in one of the key sections. What a shame! Aug 27, 2016