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Cool Colorado Rain

5.6, Sport, 55 ft (17 m),  Avg: 2 from 46 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > 10 Mile Canyon > White Cliff


This is not my route, but now it's here on MP to spread out the crowds. This is shorter and maybe less steep than Blow All My Troubles Away. Collect all 4!


This route is farther right, just as you start up a little slope, on a little apron to the right of 2 aspens. This is about 10' right of Blow All My Troubles Away.

Rap the route.


5 bolts to a 2-bolt anchor with chains on the wall below an obvious roof block.

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Cool Colorado Rain in red, with the 1st 3 bolts marked.<br>
(Tim is rappelling Rolling in Your Arms.)
[Hide Photo] Cool Colorado Rain in red, with the 1st 3 bolts marked. (Tim is rappelling Rolling in Your Arms.)
Cool Colorado Rain in red.<br>
Rolling in Your Arms in yellow.
[Hide Photo] Cool Colorado Rain in red. Rolling in Your Arms in yellow.