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5.6, Trad, 110 ft (33 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: Wolfe, Cope, Pungitore
Colorado > S Platte > Devil's Head > Trailside Castle
Warning Access Issue: Road and Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Unfortunately the splitter offwidth crack on the second pitch was lower angle than what appears on the ground. This route was much easier than expected.

Pitch 1. Tunnel under a boulder and chimney up to a crack system behind the boulder. Climb the heavily bushed crack, and traverse left to a prominent ledge with a large tree. This crack/chimney faces the trail, 5.5, 55 feet.

Pitch 2. Make a bouldery move from the ledge to reach the obvious offwidth crack. Climb the offwidth to the top. The crack is low angle with enough features that no real offwidth technique is required, 5.6, 40 feet.

We downclimbed the route, so there isn't a rappel anchor. There is a small tree on the north end of the summit that might work as a rappel anchor, but it might be more than 100 feet? Also, we did find an old rusted piton near the summit located in a different crack system.


A small select rack. One BD C4 #4 and two #6s are recommended for the upper pitch. A single #6 can be walked.

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Ledge between the pitches.
[Hide Photo] Ledge between the pitches.
Second pitch.
[Hide Photo] Second pitch.
From the ground, next to the trail.
[Hide Photo] From the ground, next to the trail.