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Great White Hunter

5.11c, Sport,  Avg: 2.4 from 5 votes
FA: Tom Perkins, Neal Beidleman, 2002
Colorado > Independence Pass > Outrageous Over… > Thindependence


This starts in a dihedral and begins by following a large crack up and to the left before heading straight up.

The large, left-angling crack and a horizontal break in the rock about halfway up distinguishes this climb.


This is most easily accessed by heading to the Junior Olympic Wall but turning right and traversing onto a ledge right before you get to the area. It can also be accessed by taking the normal route to Thindependence, then following the cliff climber's left until you reach a ledge with a tree on it above the trail toward Junior Olympic Wall.


6 bolts + 2 for the anchors.

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Anus Herder
Colona, CO
[Hide Comment] FA: Tom Perkins, Neal Beidleman, '02, after the horizontal crack things get slabby! Dec 14, 2016
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] Great! Thanks for the info! Dec 30, 2016