Type: Sport, 100 ft (30 m)
FA: Geoff Wegiend/ JB Tribout
Page Views: 2,387 total · 22/month
Shared By: Drew Ruana on May 26, 2016
Admins: Kevin Piarulli, Micah Klesick, Nate Ball

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Power endurance. Start on a juggy traverse into a giant undercling. There is a weird move into a couple good holds. After that, climb a 5.13- to two incut crimps. Then, grab four very bad slopey pockets and hold on until you grab a positive pocket. Rest, then finish on Lucky Pigeon. Solid in the grade; the boulder problem is four moves of v10 or v11.

Remember to either a) Stick clip the second draw instead of clipping the first, or b) Reach back and unclip the first draw after clipping the second.

Location Suggest change

Right before the start of White Wedding. There is a traverse right then the route loops back up.

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Fixed Draws and Fixed Anchor.


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