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Kahonna Earl

5.11c, Sport, 150 ft (45 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 2.8 from 5 votes
FA: Bob & Carrie Robertson, 1/14/03
Colorado > Canon City > Phantom Canyon > Tall Green Wall


Pitch 1 is 5.8 and 80' long. The second pitch is 5.11c and 70' long. Both pitches have 2 bolt anchors.

Both pitches can be combined with a 70m rope.

Per Jeremiah White: the second anchors were moved up 10 feet. You'll need to rappel twice even with a 70m rope.


P1 has 8 bolts. P2 has 7 bolts. Both pitches have 2 bolt anchors.

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Ben Bruestle
Okanogan Valley, WA
[Hide Comment] Relocated the top anchor up 10 feet higher today to a more user friendly ledge. Now shares top anchor with Patriotic Pleasure. It takes two raps to lower with a 70m rope. Nov 9, 2016
[Hide Comment] What gives you the right to change someone's route without asking the first ascentionist their advice? We enjoyed getting off these routes with one 70mm rope. Maybe someone's will do these routes without checking with MP or you & find there rope is too short. You can't go around just putting anchors were it has a nice stance. The rocks the one that pays the price forever. Nov 10, 2016
Tim Stich
Colorado Springs, Colorado
[Hide Comment] Please refrain from fine tuning or customizing routes in areas you didn't develop that are still currently enjoyed by the people that developed them.

There's no problem making suggestions or asking if you can do something and in some cases the FA might agree with you, but to assume everyone is cool with moving anchors around with nothing more than your own crew agreeing with you is bad form. Nov 15, 2016