Type: | Sport, 45 ft (14 m) |
FA: | Tony Robinson |
Page Views: | 1,106 total · 10/month |
Shared By: | Taylor Roy on Jan 3, 2016 |
Admins: | Kristin Tippey, Stonyman Killough, Luke Cornejo, saxfiend |
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Very similar to it's neighbor, Lifestyles of the Ripped and Heinous. Get ready to go from horizontal to slabby.
Extremely steep jugs on pebbly rock to a good rest at mid-height. Then do some technical, and crimpy moves to reach a horizontal crack. Traverse right until you can mantle. Easy to the chains.
A bit easier than Lifestyles of the Ripped and Heinous.
Extremely steep jugs on pebbly rock to a good rest at mid-height. Then do some technical, and crimpy moves to reach a horizontal crack. Traverse right until you can mantle. Easy to the chains.
A bit easier than Lifestyles of the Ripped and Heinous.