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Liquor in the Front

5.8+, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 16 votes
FA: Kelly Vaught and Frank Bentwood, 2015
California > Joshua Tree NP > Central Joshua… > Echo Rock Area > Big Hunk > Poker Face
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Near the right side of the cliff, climb the left side of a steep pillar with 5 bolts to a 2-bolt anchor. This is the pillar just right of Lucky 7.


Up the left side of a steep buttress near the right sector of the cliff, just right of Lucky 7 and left of Slot Machine.


5 bolts to a 2-bolt anchor.

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Pro-tip: There's a horn to hang a sling around to help the run-out between the second and third bolt, seen in this photo.
[Hide Photo] Pro-tip: There's a horn to hang a sling around to help the run-out between the second and third bolt, seen in this photo.
Toprope setup on Liquor in the Front
[Hide Photo] Toprope setup on Liquor in the Front
A featured slab start pulls up to an awesome mid-air bowl. Stem up, then work the arret to the top. Probably more like a 5.10a if it weren't J Tree.
[Hide Photo] A featured slab start pulls up to an awesome mid-air bowl. Stem up, then work the arret to the top. Probably more like a 5.10a if it weren't J Tree.
Rebeca Russell on L. in the F.
[Hide Photo] Rebeca Russell on L. in the F.

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[Hide Comment] Fun climbing Nov 20, 2019
Sam Hwang
San Diego, CA
[Hide Comment] Chossy arete on the left hand side. Pulled a head-sized rock from it. Should clear up with more traffic but belayer should wear a helmet and be careful. Mar 1, 2020